The fourth journey in the adventures of Jesemiah Acorne, the loveable rogue who features in Helen Hollick's pirate series known as "The Sea Witch Voyages" has been released slightly ahead of schedule! Now of course this means that avid fans of Jesemiah could get their hands on "Ripples In The Sand" a lot more quickly than anticipated, meaning that once again, husbands and boyfriends up and down the land were negelcted whilst Jesemiah's fleet of fans were immersed in another exciting tale.
As part of her blog tour to promote "Ripples In The Sand", Helen Hollick has taken over Sir Read-A-Lot to explain how, against a sea of opposition, she came to write the stories of Jesemiah Acorne in the way she wanted them to be told. If you believe in something, if in your heart you know what you want then this story should inspire you! Over to you, Helen!
Several years ago I had the (bright?) idea of writing a story
about a pirate. He was to be a loveable rogue – handsome (of course), a bit of
a so-and-so at times, but always reliable when the going got tough. An
amalgamation of James Bond, Indiana Jones, Richard Sharpe, Hornblower, Jack
Aubrey and Jack Sparrow. The sort of guy who has trouble following him like a
ship’s wake… the sort of story where you know he is going to get out of said
trouble, but the reading enjoyment is in discovering just how he does it. He was to be called Jesamiah Acorne. Captain
Jesamiah Acorne. And I instantly fell in love with him.
There was to be a romantic side to the plot: all good stories have
a love interest. My pirate was to have a special girlfriend, though. She was to
be a White Witch. Not the wand-waving, spell-chanting Harry Potter type witch,
more like the Jedi Knight using the Force sort of Witch. She was to be young,
beautiful (naturally), wise – and loved the pirate despite his (many) faults.
Her name was to be Tiola Oldstagh, an anagram of ‘all that is good’.
The idea rapidly emerged in a non-stop writing frenzy that lasted
two months, including Christmas – I only paused on Christmas Day. The result
was Sea Witch, the first Voyage in
what is now an exciting series. And I am loving every minute of writing the
books – there are now four, with a fifth (by popular demand!) about to be
But Sea Witch was very
nearly scuppered before she was launched. I was told that nobody wanted to read
about pirates. In particular, adults were not interested in pirates. Pirate
stories were for children, pirates were for teenage boys. I was not very
politely told to go away and re-write my story for the more appropriate age
group, or write something else entirely. This was despite the phenomena that
Johnny Depp had created with his portrayal of that Sparrow fellow. The Pirates
of the Caribbean movie (the first one, The
Curse of the Black Pearl) I was told, was a children’s movie – it was not
for adults, nor were women interested in it. No one, would read Sea Witch, or be attracted to my
“drunken womaniser” protagonist… (Ahem, Jesamiah is a pirate. Most pirates
drink and they like being ‘entertained’ by women; it’s what pirates do when
they are not being pirates!)
Fortunately I am a stubborn individual, and saying no to me is
like showing a chest of gold to a buccaneer.
I knew P.O.C. had been a success because of the adult audience. I knew there were women
by the boatload out there who had fallen hook, line, and sinker for Cpt Sparrow
and who were scouring the bookstores for a sexy pirate adventure for a
desperately needed Pirate Fix. Knew it because I was one of those adult women! I wrote Sea
Witch for the primary reason that I wanted to read a book like Sea Witch and couldn’t find one
Was I right, or was the unwanted and very depressing and
demoralising advice right? Well, the Sea
Witch Voyages are doing OK. They are not selling in their thousands – but
that is because after being told the above by various agents and publishing
houses, I decided to throw caution to the wind, back my own gut-instinct and
self-publish my idea. Indie published books are hard to market. There is no massive
marketing machine to churn out the press releases and advertisements. There is
no highly-funded publisher to send dozens of copies out for review – and Indie
books are often frowned on as second (or third, fourth, fifth) rate reads. Being
a self-published author for my Sea Witch
Voyages is an uphill struggle. It is hard work promoting myself as I am a
one-woman-band, and sometimes I feel like I have a very tiny voice whispering
in the vast expanse of the entire ocean where everyone else is shouting. I can
only reach a limited audience via Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads – and through
supportive, lovely people like Cindy, who invite me to say my piece-of-eight on their blog. So even if I
am whispering, there are a few of you out there, listening, and hopefully you
will add your voice to the spreading interest. Word of mouth is a powerful
weapon – as sharp as a cutlass blade if wielded with enthusiastic swashbuckling
I have a readership out there, interest in Jesamiah Acorne, my
loveable rogue of a pirate captain, is gaining in momentum; people are talking
about this New Pirate On The Block (or should that be dock?). I am getting fan
mail for Jesamiah – someone even sent him a bottle of rum for Christmas! His
creator was much appreciative of it!
Even if I only have a few enthusiastic readers to share Jesamiah’s
Voyages aboard the Sea Witch I
wouldn’t mind – you see I am enjoying every minute of unravelling his nautical
adventures. The books are fun to research, write, and produce; and I hope, are fun
to read.
Maybe I have pirate-ness in my blood or something, for even if it
takes me a few years and quite a few nautical novel miles of writing ahead of
me, I intend to write several more Voyages – and I have
every intention of proving the Nay-Sayers wrong.
Readers do want
pirate-based novels. Adults – and yes, grown-up women – enjoy a rollicking
swashbuckler of a fun escapism-type adventure at sea with a black-haired,
dark-eyed charmer of a pirate. Don’t you?
Helen Hollick