Monday, 31 December 2012

Book of the Year 2012

Each of the books awarded the Golden Hammer & Anvil Shield in the last calender year are automatically short-listed for my "Book of the Year" Award.

I have been impressed and entranced by each of the six books on this years shortlist.  Originality, beautifully crafted words, sentences, paragraphs and chapters, imaginatively created plots, brave themes and exciting tales of hard-fought battles have kept me up late at night as I repeated the age-old readers mantra "Just one more chapter, just one more chapter".

Selecting one book to sit at the top table with me, has been a difficult choice to make.  Each one is superb, each one worthy of being crowned the best of the bunch - however, as Christopher Lambert says in Highlander, "There can be only one."

The Sir Read-A-Lot Book of the Year for 2012 is...........

The Stockholm Octavo by Karen Engelmann

What set this book apart for me, was the painstaking amalgamation of true fact with fiction coupled with a truly inspired production by Two Roads Publishing.  Karen Engelmann has written a bold story with deeply flawed characters who find themselves having to act unselfishly in order to keep the world they inhabit from crumbling around them.  Her publishers have taken inspiration from a time when books were not just a commodity, but something to be held and treasured.  From the blue and silver gilt filigree on the cover, to the heavy, vellum like pages this whole package screams quality at you from the moment it catches your eye.  It is truly breathtaking.  Congratulations, Karen!

May I take this opportunity to thank everyone for your support and wish you all a happy, healthy, prosperous New Year.


  1. Excellent choice! Congratulations Karen!

  2. I can't wait to get this book in my hands! Off to purchase it...

    Happy New Year and thank you!


    Stephanie Renee dos Santos
    Historical Writer/Reader

  3. I hope you bought it via my AmazonStore, Stephanie! Lol

  4. Stuart -
    I will have to check this book out. Unfortunately, our American copy does not have "the blue and silver gilt filigree on the cover, to the heavy, vellum like pages" that your copy has. Maybe a used copy will have the different book cover.
